Steps to take for Early Intervention

When you suspect your child may have special needs, it is important to take proactive steps to ensure early intervention:

  1. Consult with your child’s pediatrician for an initial assessment. They can provide guidance and refer you to specialists if necessary.
  2. Seek evaluations from consultant/specialist such as Magical Minds who carry out evaluations and can make recommendations for related services such as speech, occupational or physical therapy.
  3. These related service providers will conduct their own assessments in specific areas to determine your child’s specific needs and develop a tailored related services intervention plan.
  4. Develop an intervention plan with consultant/specialist such as Magical Minds (who will develop a plan in collaboration with the related service providers, parents, teachers) and implement it as early as possible. This plan may include therapy sessions, educational support, and strategies for home and school.
  5. Engage in therapy and treatment options that focus on your child’s specific needs. This could involve regular related service (therapy) sessions, developmental therapy, educational support, consultant/specialist guidance (Magical Minds).

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